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Jaunpils Museum

Museum director Ligija Rutka, Phone.63162128, jaunpilsmuzejs@inbox.lv, „Pils”, Jaunpils, Jaunpils pagasts, Jaunpils novads, LV-3145
            The museum's mission is – to promote Jaunpils unique features - the medieval castle and the rich cultural heritage from ancient times until today with the museum resources and interactive methods; raise pride in belonging to Jaunpils in Jaunpils inhabitants, promote Jaunpils as a popular pleasant and beautiful recreation place among local residents.         
The museum’s functions:

1. The museum implements the collections policy through stock acquisition, documentation and ensureing its survival, according to the Regulations of the National Museum collection.

2. Museum carries out scientific research and educational work, studying Jaunpils Municipality history and culture from ancient times to present day:
            2.1.1. maintains stock item records, descriptions and classifications;
            2.1.2. on the basis of studies carried out, arranges permanent historical displays and exhibitions;
            2.1.3. organises exhibitions of private and other museum’s collections, organized countryman art exhibitions;
            2.1.4. in cooperation with other cultural and educational institutions, organizes competitions, work shows and thematic activities in accordance with the museum’s mission.

3. provides consultation, scientific and methodological assistance to museums, institutions, organizations and individuals whithin its competence.

4. Implements recommendations from Jaunpils Municipality Council and the national cultural policy.
The museum is open:
Monday 10:00 to 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 to 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 to 17:00
Thursday 10:00 to 17:00
Friday 10.00 – 17:00
Saturday 10:00 to 17:00
Sunday 10:00 to 17:00
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